I seem to be begging a lot now days. Begging for autos to come to where I want to go,begging people to do the simplest of tasks which have been assigned to them (which is no use, cos eventually I have to do it).
Begging luck to bring me better fortune.Begging life not to throw me situations that make me spill my wallet.When one tries getting people to help you know that day, is the day that you will receive the least even after immense hard work of begging.
I dont think that begging is only for the poor, it's a horrid compulsory job that comes with being a human. If everybody was selfless then no one would have to beg.
URGGGGGGGGGGHHHH the world of begging of disgusts me
Thinking of begging, I realise that I'm not the only one begging others, people beg me to do stuff to, like my mom who begs me to keep my room clean (by the way this eventually turns into a threat), begging me to eat healthy (carrot or a grilled cheese sandwhich mmmm thats a tuff one............. NOT!!!!!). My sister's futile begging to borrow my stuff (am mean does she really think am gonna let her touch my stuff).
This sought of begging also sucks (except the sister part which is fun). Cos it becomes nagging.....
OH OH...... Does that mean I nag people?