Thursday, February 5, 2009

Still........... Rapid

Still waters run deep........ well everyone in my family I assure you is everything but still. Noise is the order of the house, mom's yelling, dad's cricket, my music. Even when we are not contributing to our respective noises, we still are so noisy, we talk loud and we all talk too much. So according to the old saying "still waters run deep" we are completely superficial people. But my observation of noisy waters and still waters contradicts the old saying. Still waters maybe deep but they are very murky, and the chances of them become full of algae, fungi and bacteria are quite high.

Thats the danger with quiet people(those non talkative), they are so to themselves, that its difficult to know whats infesting in them, it maybe bitterness, anger, spite... all these infestations just grow and grow. And when they do something everyone is so shocked, "they cannot believe that person did such an such thing.... she/he was always a quite being",,,, I have known at least 5 really "quite" people and they have all turned around and have done something so outrageous that people till today talk about it. Thats the thing with noisy people you always know whats going on with them, you know how deep and wide they are and you know their potential, you know how they are going to react.

Rapid waters excite, they challenge the one that decides to test them, people who ride through waters, first must be able to handle the speed and then all the obstacles of huge boulders, sharp turns, sudden falls. Some of the best fish are breed in rapid waters,

Still waters petrify me, its as silent as the grave, when the storm comes,deeper the waters higher and rougher are the waves. They are more prone to dirt and god alone knows how many once alive things have been thrown in there...eeeyuck, I think still waters are deeply troubled.

Question 1.... still or not to be still.........

Question 2... Rapid waters with a still heart or could it be vice a versa ?????????

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