Monday, July 28, 2008

Girls the new guys

Over the past 2 months I have heard that 2 of my guy friends and 6 more guys I knew in college are going to get hitched. There's nothing wrong in that, its just that these guys are my age and they are getting married so young.All of my guy friends brides are chosen by mummy dearest, except for one. The rest had brides allotted to them.

While all my Girl friends are planning to wait another 4-5years before they even think of tying the knot. Their choice of partners are going to be their choice, if mommy and daddy dearest don't agree, then they will just have to find a way to get along with their in 5 years would be son-in-law.

How is it that the girls are being more daring nowadays, late marriages, career focused, must stand on two feet which are my own attitude. While the guys are ready to settle down and do what mama says and join papa's business.

Girls are now foot loose and fancy free while guys prefer chaining themselves down?

What happened? when did this transition take place?

When did the boys turn into mommy and daddy's little prince and the girls turn into the wild child.

I truly truly didn't know how to react when I heard one of my guy friends say "I'll marry whom ever my mom chooses for me, even, if that girl is blind. If my mother says marry her, I'll marry her."

I didn't know whether to think, his thinking was noble or foolish. Good thing I didn't say what I thought which was "LOSER".

I just hope and pray that I don't ever have to end up with a mama's boy. If the guy I'm with has to consult his mama for everything, then he would have to go to her for comforting too, cos I would have dumped him for sure.

Call me whatever but, I somehow don't respect mama's boys, they kinda fall slightly in front of me, they go from man to wimp, very fast.

Don't get me wrong, its important to love your mom and respect her and so on, but there is a very well drawn out line, from a man who loves his mother and a one that depends on his mother's opinion on everything.

(Stray but relevant incident- My friend told me that
once her mother was so proud and dismayed at the same time. Proud because her son asked her to teach him how to cook and dismayed that her 23 year old daughter has never asked and probably never will.
Now her brother knows his way around the kitchen and helps her mother in any way he can. Her mother says if my daughter EVER wants to learn cooking then.....
DAY 1: Tour de Kitchen- places where spoons, pans, plates are kept will be shown.
From there she shall start.)

Instead of the guy asking the girl's father for his daughter's hand in marriage, the girl will be asking the guy's mother permission. I would personally never EVER do that.

If these are the new breed of guys, I rather die an old maid, there will be no him, me and his mommy triangle, where I am concerned.

To all who are with mama's boys, all the best to you. And to the rest, if you ever meet a mama's boy please say ......... NEXT!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Life would be great if where I lived had 100 odd million people less, the weather of 1970's. the technology of today. Would it be perfect?????? Would it ??? would it???????? Well I cant think of anything more perfect, I'm sure that some genius critic will find 100 things wrong with my make believe era. But still "I HAVE A DREAM".

If you have ever read more than 10 pages of any thing management, you will always come across the S.M.A.R.T goals, where S is something and M is one thing More. Anyway what its says in short that it should be practical, achievable and within a time frame and in those boundaries one is to make goals irrespective of them being personal, professional or otherwise.

I wonder do Dreams also have to follow such guidelines for them to come true? Must I dream of practical and achievable things, like not screwing up (achievable)(practical), (within my given time frame) during the week.

Can I not dream of something absolutely normal like traveling to the moon, because I won a contest which I had entered at the local mall. Or me being randomly selected as the next prime minister because the country wanted an experiment in luck and I'm the lucky one.Or I wake up in the morning and get a call from the United Nations asking for my opinion.

See none of these dreams are outlandish, its not like I want to sprout wings and fly or get fins and gills and go discover our ocean. I dream normal things, but still I know that they coming true is never going to be a reality.

Maybe I should right a book, which will join the exclusive billion member club of the "How to books". I will write on "How to dream the right way". It will contain truths like....If you think that tomorrow you will be CEO, then that is not dreaming the right way, if you dream to be CEO in 20 years, then you are well on your way to using the executive washroom.Basic fundas like that are not explained to people, thats why there is so much of violence and frustration among the youth. Its because nobody tells them the right way to day dream.

In the unspecified future days, I shall write a book on day dreaming, please book your copy of the book now, there maybe a shortage.Now thats the right way of Dreaming, all who are wise follow my example.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Douleur Exquise

Now dont think kinky.....

Every month I have to go through a lot of pain. The pain of beautifying myself, the pain of getting my eyebrows done, my hands waxed etc. The result after that pain is a big WOW! I look great I feel fab. It truly is equisite.

I think life itself is an equisite pain, You must feel sorrow to experience joy, feel sad to understand happiness, have bad days to enjoy the good days.

Pain right from birth to death, struggle to breathe our first breath and struggle to as we try to gasp our never know last breath.

There is a saying that darkness is just the absence of light, cold the absence of heat and so Pain is the absence of ????????????????

When I see beauty natural or man made, the question that arises how much pain was involved????? Pain of shoots breaking out of the seeds, caterpillars pushing open their cocoons, babies animals trying to break out of their shells.

The pain people have to go through to make something, frustration,rejection, apprehension,isolation.


P.S- Which is more painful pain of loss or pain of gain?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

me me

OH my goodness, I just read all my previous posts, I used to write such mad stuff, and now am all like serious and intellectual. My boss told me I am more of an intellect than I am street smart. I'm wondering whether I should chance that statement with my family, I dont know whether I'll be handing over one more reason to tease me or they'll be really proud. Pretty sure they will so former and not latter. My sis says I'm street smart-I think I shall believe her (this would be the 14th time in 22yrs).

I just stuck loads of funny stuff on my pin board. Not appreciated by anyone,ME not happy.

My friends have started to get married. Societal Pressure HUH!!!!!!!!

My office is situated funnily, In front of my window, I can see rain drops on the glasspane. But on the horizon, its all sunshine. What is nature trying to tell me??? I bring as many blessings as the rain that falls.... (dats a nice interpretation-I love the way my brain works)......Therefore thats what it means.

Previous Life

I just graduated from college. My days of being a registered student are over. My big boohoo off late.

Being an adult is really boring, with all the responsibility talk and getting older blah. I never wanted to grow up, turning 17 was painful, 18 was depressing and now maybe I have come to terms with the fact that I have to grow old, along with everyone else and turn 23 after 6 months.
Fear of aging is something like death and taxes you are sure you are going to feel it one day.

I also had to let go of loads of friends over the weekend and over many years. Its like I just went through an Autumn of Friendship, where I am losing most of the friends that have grown on me over the past years. I think winter's setting in. I wonder when spring will arrive.

I don't know whether its parody or irony that seasons and time make and break, bring together and pull apart,heal and wound. To love and hate them again is subjective to what you have experienced with these twins of life.I don't know whether my winter will be harsh, my spring be bountiful. Isn't that why we never sometimes want to let go of our good past, because we don't know whether the memories of the past will sustain us through out a future winter of an unknown duration.

Sometimes memories, reality and dreams get mixed up and I dont know whether the life I lived was a dream or a distant memory. Its hard to imagine that this time some time back I was leading a very different life.

My previous life as a student was perfect. My present life as a cub in the jungle who is trying to find her feet. I hope my after (right now) life will be................