Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Douleur Exquise

Now dont think kinky.....

Every month I have to go through a lot of pain. The pain of beautifying myself, the pain of getting my eyebrows done, my hands waxed etc. The result after that pain is a big WOW! I look great I feel fab. It truly is equisite.

I think life itself is an equisite pain, You must feel sorrow to experience joy, feel sad to understand happiness, have bad days to enjoy the good days.

Pain right from birth to death, struggle to breathe our first breath and struggle to as we try to gasp our never know last breath.

There is a saying that darkness is just the absence of light, cold the absence of heat and so Pain is the absence of ????????????????

When I see beauty natural or man made, the question that arises how much pain was involved????? Pain of shoots breaking out of the seeds, caterpillars pushing open their cocoons, babies animals trying to break out of their shells.

The pain people have to go through to make something, frustration,rejection, apprehension,isolation.


P.S- Which is more painful pain of loss or pain of gain?

1 comment:

Sunil Varma said...

Trust me!! For the first time in my life i went for a facial and i asked the lady at the men's saloon for a face cleanup and stuff...My God..She was poking my face with a metal pin or something to remove blackheads!! Awwww!!! i knw how much it pains now..